Oceanside Cottage Site Plan
private residence | darnley, PE | 2019
After purchasing an undeveloped wooded lot steps from the ocean, the landowners dreamed of building a year-round escape from the city. They knew they wanted to retain much of the existing wooded area, keep lawn surfaces to a minimum, and include edible plants where possible. However, they struggled to wrap their heads around where to begin with such a densely vegetated lot.
As a launching point to bring their vision of future development to light they engaged the services of Haute Nature. Site analysis and a bubble diagram were used to communicate a more thorough understanding of the lot. From the analysis, pockets of vegetation to preserve and build upon for wind blocks, privacy screens and ecological purposes were identified, as well as areas to clear for development, septic, vehicle access and desired view sheds. Connections to nearby cottages of friends and family were included in the circulation analysis, which helped inform placement of mowed or wood-chipped pathways. A recommended plant list of hardy and/or native edible plants and alternative ground-covers that can withstand coastal conditions was also included with the Final Site Plan.